Saturday, October 3, 2015

4 years since I login to this blog.  6 long years since he left. I still couldn't get over him.  Honestly, I didn't see that I will be back, writing this entry. Reading back to all the posts, i still feel the wound. It still feel fresh. It felt like yesterday. Nonetheless, I must keep my heads up. Al-fateha Syed Muhd Saiful, Al-fateha Aleesyah Sabrina Bte Mohd Alfiean..  I miss you both.  Till here. Salam...

++ quoth Unknown at 11:56 AM

.: ♥♥ HuNy ♥♥ :.
♥♥ ? WeLCoMe to ? ♥♥
Im bubblin! (sum tink im loud.but WATEVA cux i juZ l?vIn iT) xP

? This is where I veNt my FeeLinGs. So itZ my FrEdOm yaWw.?
Vanity isnt a sin,a little narcissm wouldn't hurt.xP

" A happy person is not a person In a certain set of circumstances, But rather a person With a certain set of attitudes "

"LiFe waS Beautiful tHen
I remember tHat tiMe
I knew wHat waS
HAPPINESS.. Let tHe meMory LiVe aGaiN"
.: :.

.: ♥♥♥♥ :.

.: archives :.

.: thanks :.
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Poem by Edmund Spenser, excerpt from Sonnet LXXV from Amoretti
Thanks to