Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Dear Diary,

Yesterday we went for a date. @ 1st wen i saw him,i dont why i was all so frustrated and full of anger.i juz haf e strong urge 2 force him 2 tell me e truth.i was dissapointed.its really2 thwarted.. how could he do this to me? how could he fornicate w dat gal yet he can still remain calm n hold my hands n say he loved me n all?? How could him?? haish.. im sooo hurt.

Losing him, is never what i could thought off. .we went reminded me of our secind date that we went. e cinema.everything.. .i just miss n need him. e real munirwan dat i used to know n have. not this cruel cold guy dat im with. i really2 do misses e tym wen he is just himself..haish.. Wan.. how could you do such a thing to me? Y wouldn't you just let me go? Let me be free from all this? Why do you have to enter in my life in the first place?? why? It was really nice to have you as my guy. Before that girl step into our relationship.why did you go to her? So as you could have sex w her? Is dat the reason why you go to her? Because you could fornicate her all day long?? Y couldnt you respect my decision n just stay n wait?? Just because shes 2-3years younger then you? Age gap is smaller compared to me? Im still "fresh" n "narrow-minded"? That is why you decided to this to me?

I understand if you leave me for that. BUT i CAN'T accept the fact y u have another gal BEHIND MY BACK!
haish.. i shall continue again.. ive got to go for now. .

"LiFe waS Beautiful tHen
I remember tHat tiMe
I knew wHat waS
Let tHe meMory LiVe aGaiN"

++ quoth Unknown at 4:25 PM

.: ♥♥ HuNy ♥♥ :.
♥♥ ? WeLCoMe to ? ♥♥
Im bubblin! (sum tink im loud.but WATEVA cux i juZ l?vIn iT) xP

? This is where I veNt my FeeLinGs. So itZ my FrEdOm yaWw.?
Vanity isnt a sin,a little narcissm wouldn't hurt.xP

" A happy person is not a person In a certain set of circumstances, But rather a person With a certain set of attitudes "

"LiFe waS Beautiful tHen
I remember tHat tiMe
I knew wHat waS
HAPPINESS.. Let tHe meMory LiVe aGaiN"
.: :.

.: ♥♥♥♥ :.

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.: thanks :.
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Poem by Edmund Spenser, excerpt from Sonnet LXXV from Amoretti
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